Sunday, 10 November 2013

A good "pathology" and raising monsters just for the very beginning

I know that many of you do not have children and finds my blog rather boring but I assure you that having children can not be boring. I do have kids. Furthermore, in the alarming number of three. "Alarming" cause by many we are already considered as pathology:). Well, in some way we are pathological, but who isn't nowadays? Little John attacking his sister with his wooden sword or biting his younger brother in his small foot.  The oldest Sophia wearing a dress of her favourite princess Rapunzel and falling in love twice a week (oh yes...a kindergarten it's a real place of love). Finally, the youngest Frank screaming wildly whenever two older run next to his high chair. Yes, I raise monsters.

Yes, we're pathological, but it's a "good pathology", with no violence, no poverty or alcohol.

But there is unfortunately another type of that phenomenon. Today, for the first time I saw a Romanian beggar in front of our church, holding a two or maybe three year old child in his arms. I was really angry. How a three year kid can sleep for such a long time in that position?! I couldn't imagine our John staying like this for even one hour. And the question asked by Sophia after we came home surprised me even more:
-"Why didn't you give him some money mum?"
-"Cause we don't give our money for that kind of people, sweetie.
-"Why not?"
-"Cause that child sleeping in his arms was not happy and he was suffering. He was used by that adult."
-"No he wasn't, he was just sleeping, I don't believe you mum."
-"Would you like to sleep a whole day in the arms of your daddy instead of playing with your friends or your toys?"
-"No, I would rather not."
-"Neither would he I think. So, that is why we did not support them. Do you understand?"

Yes, I raise monsters, but monsters who are still able to empathize even if they mum tells them otherwise...